Fun Classmate Photos

Thanks to classmate, Sandy Anglin Phillips, for this graphic.

Note: Below is a slideshow of all contributions, in random order.

Post your fun/creative photos here (below the slideshow).


Thomas M Bauguess
10 Photos  8/30/20
Janice Blanchard Rosson
6 Photos  5/21/20
Chris Bowers
3 Photos  5/8/20
William Copeland
12 Photos  9/5/20
Gary Durday
1 Photo  4/14/20
Gloria M Flores Whitley
15 Photos  4/26/20
Tom Huffman
1 Photo  4/5/20
Diana Jacobson Acosta
1 Photo  4/10/20
Wayne Kaplan
38 Photos  2/7/23
Patrick Lombardi
14 Photos  4/6/20
Jack Marinello
19 Photos  10/9/23
Janis Pugh Jacobs
1 Photo  4/12/20
Steve Pults
17 Photos  12/5/22
Tad Reynales
5 Photos  8/28/23
Robin Ritter
2 Photos  4/5/20
Margo Sowell Dobbs
4 Photos  4/26/20
Jan Wagner Kirner
1 Photo  4/11/20