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•   Wayne Kaplan  9/25
•   Pamela Purdin  8/5
•   Steve Light  3/20
•   Ed Mee  3/8
•   Jack Marinello  12/10
•   Rick Solace  11/20
•   Sharon Rice (Belben -'70)  11/9
•   Karen Loy (McCrackin)  10/7
•   Betty Mazey (Appleton)  9/29
•   Roger Hassenpflug  9/25
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Our Ongoing Reunion
For Millikan’s Class of 1968


The Reunion Committee all agreed that our 55-year Reunion was a great success and a lot of fun. We hope everyone that attended, felt it worthwhile. For those that couldn't make it, we hope you will enjoy the photos and videos that attendees are adding.

One sign of success, was that at a Sunday gathering of Committee Members, we started talking about plans for the 60th... really!!

Click here… listen to some of
our talented singing classmates

Don't Forget to take the 45’s Survey!



    Random Slideshow of Roving Photographer at the 50th    
(Use the left panel link, to view with control & downloads)


1968 Student Directory

This Website will stay live!

Thanks to generous donations, we were able to pay to keep the website up and running—and ad-free—until at least 2029! It will keep us all connected, and can serve as a base for building a 60-Year Reunion.

One important function of this website will be to keep all classmate contact information current.

For that... we need your help. If you move or have any changes to your mail, email or phone number, make sure to Edit Contact Info (found on the left-hand navigation panel. Click on that link, at any time, and you can keep your contact information current.

Also, you can add or edit your personal profile--including adding recent photos--at any time. Just click on Edit Profile (also on the left-hand navigation panel).

Thanks... Your Reunion Committee.



We would like to acknowledge the following classmates
who have already donated towards our Millikan Scholarship Fund:



Adair, E. B.  
Alston, Scott  
Baker, Frank  
Barnett (Poch), Cheryl Jan  
Buckingham, Jim  
Cadwell, John  
Cole, Steve  
Coltrane, Scott  
Coltrane, Scott  
Cunningham, Howard  
Evans, Geoff  
Feldman (Waterman), Cheryl  
Greb (Green), Linda  
Harn, Donald  
Hart (Dodge), Cora  
Hassenpflug, Roger  
Hawkins (Leon), Terri Lee  
Kaplan, Wayne  
Lipson, Michael  
Martin, Daryl  
Mazey (Appleton), Betty  
McKee, Mark
Montgomery, David  
Ocon (Towns), Marlene  
Prado (Thurman), Teresa  
Proctor (Cole), Patti  
Pugh (Jacobs), Janis  
Rawles (Gayer), Jackie Lynn  
Reynales, Tad  
Rogovin, Jarrow Lloyd  
Sanada (Carney), Donna  
Sanada (Carney), Donna  
Sandness, Jerry L  
Sheets, Pam  
Simpson, Roger  
Sowell (Dobbs), Margo  
Thomas (McBride), Sue  
Tubbs (Pompei), Donna Jean  
Vatter, Robert  


Click Here to see and hear The Emperors


If you are new to this website,
the best place to start is the
First Time Visitors tab, at the top.


We also have an active group page on Facebook. You can Click Here to go to it. Classmates are still actively posting there.

Click to visit Mlllikan's Website


We have added a new gallery of photos that are from the Aries Yearbooks.
These have been collected, mostly by Patrick Lombardi, who deserves a hearty thanks for his efforts.

Click here to view